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Is It Legal In Connecticut For Nurses And APRNs To Be "Mandated" To Work Double Shifts?


Nurses often are required to work overtime.  A question arises, however, when an employer mandates that the nurse work a double shift.  What rights do nurses have in Connecticut in such situations?


Connecticut law permits nurses to choose to work overtime voluntarily but limits mandatory overtime. The term “nurse” includes a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse, or a certified nurse’s aide. Connecticut describes “mandatory overtime” as overtime assigned without a minimum of 48 hours' notice prior to the shift beginning.


According to Connecticut law, nurses have the right to decline mandatory overtime without the risk of retaliation, disciplinary action, termination, or discrimination. Employers are prohibited from penalizing nurses who choose not to accept mandatory overtime.


There are several exceptions to the prohibition on mandatory overtime for nurses:

First, employers may mandate nurses to work overtime if they are participating in a surgical procedure, requiring them to stay until it is finished.

Second, an employer may mandate that a nurse in a critical care unit work overtime until another nurse begins their shift to relieve them.

Third, mandatory overtime may be required during any public healthcare emergency.

Fourth, any institutional emergency permits mandatory overtime. Such emergencies encompass situations like adverse weather, catastrophic events, or widespread illness, which could substantially decrease the number of available nurses.

Finally, if there is a union, the employer can require the nurse to work mandatory overtime according to the terms of a union contract.

Mandatory overtime should be the exception, not the rule. If your employer routinely is requiring you to work mandatory overtime, call the Law Offices of Anthony J. Pantuso, III at 203-726-0284.

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