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Is Workplace Bullying Illegal?

Many employees experience bullying at work and may wonder about potential legal remedies. Whether there is a legal solution depends on the specific situation of the bullying.

For instance, there are situations where an employee may face bullying due to their membership in a protected class. In such cases, workplace bullying could escalate to unlawful harassment. If this occurs, there are legal options available, including seeking recourse through entities like the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, or by pursuing a legal case. Conversely, if the bullying and harassment are not rooted in a prohibited reason, it is typically not considered unlawful. The inquiry is very fact-specific.

If you believe you have been the victim of workplace bullying, call the Law Offices of Anthony J. Pantuso, III at 203-726-0284. Our experienced team can help you determine what are your legal options

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